Our services to support companies

ServicesInnovating through designWith public playersSupport companiesMenuServices

Par Soizic Briand

La tour observatoire i.e. The observatory tower © Cité du design

The Cité du design helps you accelerate your growth, innovate, and transform yourself through design. 

Our team put all its expertise at the service of professionals to support them in their development actions, their innovation projects and/or their global strategy. The Cité du design has a unique and distinctive feature: a living laboratory, a Living Lab which brings together different publics to develop collaborative projects.

Our range of services

  • Business owners - industries or services -; VSEs, SMEs or managers of large groups - all business sectors -.
  • Institutions or non-profit organizations
  • Designers, artists and start-ups entrepreneurs

The Cité du design meet your needs from your initial design process to the provision of material resources (Matériauthèque i.e. Material Library) or methodological resources (LUPI® Laboratoire des usages et des pratiques innovantes i.e. Laboratory of Innovative Uses and Practices).


Fields of expertise

The Cité du design is committed to putting people and sustainability at the heart of all projects by following the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN.

Together, we imagine tomorrow's lifestyles: how will we travel, work, live, feed and care for our health but also how will we entertain ourselves? We work both in Saint-Étienne and its metropolitan area, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, in France, in Europe and internationally.

Exhibition/participation © Cité du design

Saint-Étienne, Unesco City of Design

Design challenges

Design is a crucial tool for innovation and a factor of competitiveness for companies. Through its dual mission, aesthetics and usability, it gives shape to ideas and makes concepts tangible. Design associates multidisciplinary teams across business sectors. Thus, it accelerates the innovation process.

Design provides original responses to SMEs and SMIs as well as large groups in order to meet the major societal challenges defined by the European strategy: industrial renewal, health and well-being, food safety and demographic challenge, mobility and energy, information and communication.

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