
Towards a “non-anthropocene” design

Interview with Andrea Branzi 

Par Simone Fehlinger

Towards a "non-anthropocene" design. Interview with Andrea Branzi on March 19, 2019 in Milan.

In March 2019, the research department of the Cité du design-ESAD Saint-Etienne meets the designer and architect Andrea Branzi in Milan in order to discuss our modes of existence in the context of the Anthropocene. Forerunner to design research, Branzi (member of the Archizoom Associati Group) anticipates with "No Stop City" the world-city, an infinite space shaped by the flow of information, services, traditions, communications, in which the citizen turns into a consumer. Olivier Peyricot and Simone Fehlinger discuss with Andrea Branzi the myths that still organize our modern habitat today.

Andrea Branzi
Andrea Branzi, architect and designer, born in Florence in 1938, where he graduated in 1966, lives and works in Milan since 1973. From 1964 to 1974 he was a member of the group Archizoom Associati, the first group of internationally known avant-garde, whose projects are now preserved at a Study Centre and Archives of Communication, University of Parma; his dissertation and several projects are kept at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris. In 2018 the Royal Academy of Fine Arts has awarded Rolf Schock Price of Visual Arts to him. Co-founder of Domus Academy, the first international school graduate design. Author of several books on the history and theory of design, has curated numerous exhibitions of this sector in Italy and abroad. In 1994 he received the Compasso d'Oro for his career. (Source :

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Interview conducted by Simone Fehlinger and Olivier Peyricot, March 2019
Production : Pôle recherche de la Cité du design
Image : Mattia Cossi
Sound : Emanuele Pullini
Editing and post-production : Simone Fehlinger

No Stop City, 1968-70 © Archizoom Associati
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