Article | Deep design lab

Teasing New Weather TV: Post-producing Global Views

Par Simone Fehlinger

Video installation by Simone Fehlinger in the exhibition Space exploration and designorganized by the Cité du design and the Institut Français as part of the Dubai Design Week 2020.

TEASING NEW WEATHER TV : Post-producing Global Views (Screenshot) © Simone Fehlinger

As part of the design research project New Weather TV, carried out within the Deep Design Lab, Cité du design Saint-Étienne, co-produced by the École urbaine de Lyon – études urbaines anthropocènes.

Can we redesign the global perspective― building on the reality of ‘composite’ images, that is partial and situated imagery captured by weather satellites and probes?

In line with the launch of the Emirates Mars Mission probe Hope―which aims to study the weather conditions on Mars―the video installation TEASING NEW WEATHER TV: Post-producing Global Views by Simone Fehlinger stages the relationship between design, architecture, space exploration, weather imagery and actual visual and material culture. The two-channel video installation shows weather as a design object (coming from space engineering)―questioning the link between science and fiction that conditioned (and still conditions) space exploration and contemporary imaginaries. It further illustrates the uprise of the modern representation of the ‘global view’, shaped by weather and climate observation and modeling through satellite and computer technologies, structuring the perception of―and the relation with―our environments in the context of the Anthropocene.

This work was supported by a state funded « Investments for the Future » program operated by the French National Research Agency (reference ANR-17-CONV-0004).

Par Simone Fehlinger

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