LE DESIGN EN VOYAGE, Ceramic & Food Route



par Raphaël PigeatVersion française

Mathilde Bretillot

Known as an auteur in the design world and for the diversity of her private and public interior design commissions, Mathilde Bretillot has worked for Christofle, Daum, Baccarat, Galerie Peyroulet, Mobilier National, Les éditions Les Arènes, Bac Films, Shilla Hotels & Resorts, Ligne Roset, Parfums de Marly, La Manufacture de Sèvres, Arteum at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, the Luisa delle Piane gallery, Boffi Paris, L’Iconoclaste and the Faïencerie de Gien, as well designing scenographies for the Draw Art Fair and exhibitions including Effervescence, Daydreaming with Stanley Kubric, Designer’s Day and Révélations.

A designer with a multi-faceted and highly distinctive œuvre, Mathilde Bretillot questions the contemporary environment while attempting to provide global responses that are at once bright, lively and sensitive. She started her career working in Milan, London and Asia. This international experience, her travels and her in-built curiosity have been the source of her inspiration and her passion for working in innovative ways with different forms of know-how. Her multidisciplinary practice also involves teaching at a number of art and design schools, including ESAD Reims, La Cambre and École Camondo, and on numerous workshops as well as sitting on judging panels in France and abroad. As well as running her own agency, she co-founded International Design Expeditions (IDE) in 2014, and is now the organisation's president and creative director.

mathildebretillot.com instagram.com/mathildebretillot

Mathilde Bretillot © Didier Goupy

Pierangelo Caramia

Pierangelo Caramia © IDE

Pierangelo Caramia is an architect and designer. He lives and works between Paris, Milan and Puglia in Italy. He is registered with the Order of Architects of Ile-de-France. He is a professor in the design option at the École européenne supérieure d’art de Bretagne (EESAB) in Rennes, France. He is also a founding member of the movement of architecture and design "Bolidismo"

A "head-expert" at International Design Expeditions (IDE) in Bruxelles, he has carried out architecture and design projects in Italy, France, Belgium, the USA, Japan, Russia, Ivory Coast and Cameroon. He is the editor-in-chief and responsible director of the art, photography, design and culture magazine The Egg Journal and he is registered in the special list of the Order of Journalists of the Puglia region, Italy. He has written and writes articles on architecture, design and other subjects published in magazines, online books and magazines in Italy and France and is the author of Écrits d’Alessandro Mendini (with Catherine Geel) published by Les presses du réel in France.

His design projects and products have been exhibited among others at the Venice Biennale, the Milan Triennale, the Centre Pompidou, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs and the Fondation Cartier in Paris. His products are part of the permanent collection of the Groninger Museum in Groninger, Holland, the Museum für Gestaltung in Zürich, Switzerland, the Brooklyn Museum in New York, USA, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, the British Museum in London and the Philadelphia Museum of Arts.


Miska Miller-Lovegrove

 Miska Miller-Lovegrove is a London-based architect and designer. Prior to establishing her London-based practice, MML STUDIO, she co-founded LOVEGROVE STUDIO. Public spaces, installations, and exhibitions are the main focus of her work as an architect, designer, and curator. Her projects include the Frank Lloyd Wright exhibition at the Design Museum in London, interiors for Toyo Ito’s Mediatech in Sendai, Japan, exhibition design for the Renault Twin’Z launch at the Milan Triennale, art direction and exhibition design of Lovegrove Limited Editions at Phillips de Pury in New York and Cardi Black Box in Milan, and the extension of an office building and interior of an apartment in central London.

As a co-founder of the Creative Project Foundation, she has curated and designed the Young Creative Poland series of exhibitions in London and Milan. The National Museum in Warsaw commissioned her to design the exhibition We Want to Be Modern: Polish Design 1955 – 1968. Since 2016, MML Studio has collaborated with Mathilde Bretillot Studio in Paris on various projects, such as the Concept Craft Store in Bangkok, the exhibition Daydreaming with Stanley Kubrick at Somerset House in London, and more recently, the first edition of Draw Art Fair, which took place at the Saatchi Gallery in London.

In 2019, she became a board member and co-creative director of International Design Expeditions (IDE). Her latest project includes the renovation and extension of a 15th century building in Poland and the interior design concept for the French Institute in Warsaw.


Miska Miller-Lovegrove © IDE

LE DESIGN EN VOYAGE, Ceramic & Food RouteAbout IDE


A France Design Week Event

par Raphaël PigeatVersion française

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