LE DESIGN EN VOYAGE, Ceramic & Food Route



par Raphaël PigeatVersion française

Invited to show IDE by the Cité du design, the main objective of this exhibition, focusing on the expeditions, workshops, and performances conducted by IDE since 2019 in various territories and terroirs, is to represent and evoke the journey of exploration and research on design, food cultures, and applied arts, particularly ceramic objects related to food. In Italy, Poland, Cambodia, France or Sweden, from this deep slice of knowledge, the fertilization comes from outside, and a new creative production is begun.

Italy (2019)

The first expedition of Ceramic & Food Route, conceived with Pierangelo Caramia, took designers Marta Bakowski, Lily Gayman and Sarngsan Na Soontorn to Puglia in the South-East of Italy to explore the historical connections between culture and production. Working with IDE experts and the main partner, the design department (DICAR) of the Polytechnic University of Bari, the designers discovered Puglian food culture through exotic markets, oil tasting and informal dinners.

In a world where everything moves too fast, where we amass more and more objects with no meaning, I believe it is important that we borrow from different cultures and civilisations to create objects that carry emotions and cultural ties, that convey a heritage that links the past to the present.

Lili Gayman, designer

The designers
• Marta Bakowski (Poland) : martabakowski.cargo.site / @marta_bakowski
• Lili Gayman (France) : liligayman.com / @liligaymanstudio
• Sarngsan Na Soontorn (Thailand) : mokkampor.wordpress.com / @sarngsan_na_soontorn

Poland (2021)

For this second expedition, a talented and adventurous team comprising Goliath Dyevre, Zhuo Qi, Eimear Ryan, and Robert Czerniawski has been selected. Each visit was an encounter with passionate individuals deeply committed to environmental sustainability. Poland's history of minimal intensive agriculture has positioned it as a leader in slow food and organic production, making it a beacon for those who cherish authentic and eco-friendly cuisine.

I found collaborating with such different personalities and styles of working really energising; it made me realise all that we can achieve if we keep an open mind.

Darius Kolodziej, ceramicist

The designers
• Robert Czerniawski (Poland) : @czerniawskirobert
• Goliath Dyèvre (France) : goliathdyevre.com@goliathdyevredesign
• Zhuo Qi (China) : qi-zhuo.com@zhuo.qi
• Eimear Ryan (Ireland) : argotstudio.com@argot_studio

Cambodia (2022)

For this third expedition, IDE invited Camillo Bernal, Anne Xiradakis and Alicja Patanowska, a group of talented designers who didn't know each other and had never been to Cambodia. It is located between the Angkor Wat temple complex and the Tonlé Sap, two absolutely unique backdrops, where our designers started their production adventure. Every day, inspired by Khmer architecture, symbols and narrative stone engravings, they worked in the open air, among the heat and sounds of this lively place.

When it brought together international designers and the outstandingcraftspeople of Siem Reap, IDE launched a one-of-a-kind cultural exchange, onethat created the conditions to bring age-old skills into the modern world. 

Pierre Balsan, International Design Expeditions

The designers
• Camillo Bernal (Colombia) : bernalcamillo.com@camillo_bernal
• Alicja Patanowska (Poland) : patanowska.com  / @alicjapatanowska @plantation_alicja_patanowska
• Anne Xiradakis (France) : annexiradakis.com@annexiradakis

France (2020 and 2023)

As part of its Ceramic & Food Route expedition program, IDE takes the French side roads with workshops and performances. In 2020 and 2023, workshops were organised in Burgundy, in Salernes and in Cognac, with participants including alumni and students of art and design schools such as École Camondo, ENSAD Limoges and ESADSE (Saint-Étienne Higher School of Art and Design).

It was a powerful, intense immersive experience which, in addition to the satisfaction of producing quality work, provided a strong impetus for the students to initiate more collaborative creative experiences of this kind which combine the audacity of the designer with skill of the craftsperson, in a close and fertile dialogue.

Margaret Iragui, Director of École Camondo Méditerranée

The designers
• Marcela Paz Undurraga (Chili) : @marcelapazundurraga

Sweden (2024)

For this fourth Ceramic & Food route expedition, IDE invited designers Mio Hatakenaka and Emmanuelle Roule, who had never met before. A rich full-time immersion in the forest and lake landscapes, the towns, villages and houses, the farms, the ceramists’ and glassblowers’ workshops and the many people, local chefs/cooks and artists, met on site.

The experiencing of movement, the constant shifts in the landscape, ourtravels, the people we met, conveying all of that through clay.

Emmanuelle Roule, designer-ceramicist

The designers
• Mio Hatakenaka (Japan) : @mio_htk
• Emmanuelle Roule (France) : emmanuelleroule.com@__roule__

LE DESIGN EN VOYAGE, Ceramic & Food RouteCurators


A France Design Week Event

par Raphaël PigeatVersion française

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