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Esadse, an international school

Double diploma awarded with congratulations to Keting Si from Tongji University in China

Keting Si surrounded by the pedagogical and admin team who followed her up, June 2024 © Alexandra Caunes

par Marina BaudryVersion française

As part of the double diploma programme with Tongji University in China, Keting Si obtained her DNSEP diploma with the congratulations of the jury. The internationalisation of teachings is at the heart of the challenges facing all higher education establishments. The future artists and designers trained at the Saint-Étienne Higher School of Art and Design (ESADSE) will increasingly work with professional realities outside France.

With this in mind, a cooperation agreement between ESADSE and the prestigious Tongji University/Shanghai International College of Design & Innovation in China was signed in June 2020. This inter-institutional agreement formalises the deployment of a double diploma in design between the 2 institutions, which had to wait until this year to become operational due to the global health crisis.

In this context, the teaching staff of the Digital Creation design option at ESADSE welcomed Ms Keting Si in 2023-2024. Keting stood out at the graduation exam in June 2024 by obtaining her DNSEP diploma with the congratulations of the jury.

We wish this young woman all the best for her career, and swill with no doubt be an ambassador for ESADSE in her home country and throughout her future career.

About the double diplomas programme at ESADSE
In conjunction with the universities of Tongji in Shanghai (China) and Kookmin in Seoul (South Korea), the double diplomas programme offers two years of high-level international training leading to two diplomas: the DNSEP design from the Saint-Étienne Higher School of Art and Design (ESADSE) and the Chinese master's degree from Tongji or the Korean master's degree from Kookmin. This course is taught entirely in English. Year 4 takes place at the partner university, year 5 at ESADSE. These demanding courses require students to adapt to new approches to design teaching that in France focuses very much on creation. Two diplomas are concerned : DNSEP Design, Object course in partnership with the Graduate School of Techno Design of Kookmin University, Seoul (South Korea) and DNSEP Design, Object, ACDC_Spaces and Digital  Creation courses in partnership with the College of Design and Innovation of Tongji University, Shanghai (China). The reference teacher for the double diploma programme at ESADSE is Ms Julie Mathias (contact :

par Marina BaudryVersion française

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