From Jan 30 to Jan 31

Design & food culture

An international meeting about design, food culture and transmission

As part of the exhibition LE DESIGN EN VOYAGE : Ceramic & Food Route, presented at the Cité du design until March 16, 2025, and in partnership with WEISS, International Design Expeditions (IDE) and the Cité du Design are organizing an international meeting centered on the expeditions undertaken by IDE since 2019 to Puglia (Italy), France, Poland, Cambodia and Sörmland (Sweden).

Version française

Exhibition LE DESIGN EN VOYAGE, Ceramic and Food Route, Cité du design, 2024 © Johan Méallier

par Magali TheoleyreDate
30 et 31 janv. 2025


Cité du design | La Platine
(Salle d’exposition DESIGN EN VOYAGE)
3 rue Javelin Pagnon
42000 Saint-Étienne

Gratuit sur inscription et dans la limite des places disponibles


These two days will provide a unique opportunity for the partners who participated in the IDE expeditions and workshops to meet for the first time and to present a major synthesis of international research in the fields of design, material culture, and food culture. This "bouquet" of partners and other contributors embodies the diversity of practices and expertise that IDE brings together for each expedition: designers/artists, artisans/entrepreneurs, chefs, experts, and more.

The event will feature a series of roundtables/conversations and tastings, offering a chance to share this significant research on international design and material and culinary culture while exploring the challenges related to design, food cultures, and transmission.

The processes and outcomes of the expeditions provide key insights into contemporary issues, which will be addressed during the roundtables and discussions, each followed by a culinary experience.

International guests, selected based on the topics addressed and their expertise, will participate in these roundtables. Local stakeholders with established ties to the Cité du design or those with potential for future collaborations will also be invited to enrich the discussions.

Most exchanges will be in English. No subtitles nor translation will be provided.


Thursday, January 30

• Marc Chassaubéné, President, EPCC Cité du design – Esadse
• Éric Jourdan, Director, EPCC Cité du design – Esadse
• Laurence Salmon, Director of Cultural and Artistic Development, EPCC Cité du design – Esadse
• IDE Team: Mathilde Bretillot, Pierangelo Caramia, Miska Miller Lovegrove, curators of the exhibition ; Marc Bretillot, chef, designer and food expert
• Jean Luc Colonna d’Istria : The Expedition, a Concept

Moderator : Pierangelo Caramia

• Miska Miller Lovegrove, IDE
• Paolo De Cesare, Doc Service (Italie)
• Ewa Kumlin, Cultural Producer (Sweden)
• Guido Santilio, President, ADI (Association for Italian Industrial Design) for the regions of Apulia and Basilicata (Italy)
• Jean-Laurent Louis, JLD consulting (Vietnam)
• Laurent Denize d’Estrées, Agence 14 Septembre (France)

This approach seeks to explore the meaning and practice of design in its various forms across different territories, fostering connections between individuals and cultures beyond administrative borders. A historical reference for this approach is the twinning of cities, which represents decentralized transnational cooperation between local communities on a global scale. Food culture, with its agricultural products from various territories and terroirs, is undoubtedly one of the foundational elements of Genius Loci. Through its expeditions, IDE immerses itself in this deeply rooted and ever-evolving human practice. They create relationships and experiment with respect for history and traditions while collaborating with local actors to develop new formulas, forms, and syntheses that align with the contemporary culture of the place. The aim is to compose a language and achieve a broader understanding that transcends the original territory. The research theme chosen by IDE, Ceramic & Food, allows for the exploration of one of the foundational topics of different societies while paving the way for identifying other themes and areas of research that future generations can adopt and put into practice.

By Marc Bretillot in partnership with Weiss. Story telling by Weiss and Chocolate tasting.

Moderator: Pierangelo Caramia

Panelists :
• Éric Jourdan, designer, President, EPCC Cité du design – Esadse
• Nathalie Viot, curator and producer, Craft and Design
• Mathilde Bretillot, IDE
• Annalisa Di Roma, professor et coordinator at the Dicar department, Politecnico di Bari (Italy)
• Patrizia Catalano, Interni (Italy)
• Cendrine de Susbielle, Director of creation, Mobilier National (France)
• Maria Prinz, chef (Sweden)
• Maciej Nowicki, chef (Poland)
• Gilles Coudert, Filmmaker, a.p.r.e.s production (France)

What are the challenges, opportunities, and most effective methods for transmitting the culture and practice of design to new generations? IDE designers believe—and actively practice—that in-person encounters and exchanges during research workshops, combined with direct knowledge of territories, are essential for conducting in-depth research and achieving relevant and innovative results. The aim is to create contemporary "syntheses" between cultures and expertise to design and produce "cultural objects." This is neither "colonial design" nor traditional design production networks, which often operate on an assumed logic of exclusivity and immediate commercial profitability.

During these roundtables, we will discuss how schools, cultural institutions, publications, design fairs, entrepreneurs, artisans, designers, artists, chefs, and others can build effective networks using the IDE platform. The goal is to equip new generations with the skills and enthusiasm necessary to engage in these vast, still underexplored fields.

By Pietro d’Amico, producer of oil, wine, and food products, Apulia (Italy), IDE To Puglia expedition partner

Items for tasting: "Oil Birds" by Sarnsang Na Soontorn and "Natura" bottle by Marta Bakowski

Friday, January 31

Moderator: Pierangelo Caramia

Panelists :
• Valentina de Carolis, designer, local manager, IDE to Puglia expedition (Italy)
• Anka Simone, cultural producer, IDE to Poland expedition
• Antonio Vestita, ceramist, Puglia (Italy)
• Monika Skorupska, Mosko, ceramist (Poland)
• Anna Lindell, ceramist, Sörmland (Sweden)
• Emmanuelle Roule, designer, IDE to Sörmland expedition (Sweden)
• Camillo Bernal, designer, IDE to Cambodia expedition
• Lili Gayman, designer, IDE to Puglia expedition (Italy)
• Anne Xiradakis, designer, IDE to Cambodia expedition
• Zhuo Qi, artist/designer,  IDE to Poland expedition
• Anna Lindell, ceramist, Sweden
• Sarngsan Na Soontorn, designer, IDE to Puglia expedition (Italy)
• Alicja Patanowska, artist, IDE to Cambodia expedition
• Marcela Paz Undurraga, ceramist, IDE to Burgundy expedition (France)

Together, we will attempt to define the contemporary meanings of the word design. These discussions will help clarify the cultural value and role of design in constantly evolving societies and territories. Historically, design has served as a tool to understand visible or latent issues, as well as the aspirations of citizens in various societies. Today, inspired by Edgar Morin, we consider design in terms of planetary citizenship, contextualized within current conditions and available information. Design has often proven to be an effective tool for anticipating problems before they fully emerge.

With modern technologies—artificial intelligence, 3D printing, the web, social media, and more—and the contemporary ability for many people to travel easily, experiencing a kind of lifelong "continuous Erasmus" and benefiting from the growing multilingualism of new generations, how can design evolve and remain a vibrant and relevant tool for improving our environments and lives? How can we preserve the very essence of design—its culture and practice in its fullest sense—without succumbing to oversimplifications or compartmentalized specializations that often diminish its scope and divert it from its role as a tool for cultural evolution?

For IDE designers, design remains above all an ethical and aesthetic inquiry, a synthesis of languages and a language in itself, useful to societies worldwide. It has the capacity to act upon both the material and immaterial cultures of societies, as well as their global cultural fabric.

By Marc Bretillot with Esadse et Lycée du Renouveau


Free event, subject to availability. Please register online.


(Event « Rencontre internationale : Design & cultures culinaires »)

This event is organized as part of the exhibition LE DESIGN EN VOYAGE, Ceramic & Food Route, made possible thanks to AXA’s sponsorship.

Ceramic & Food Route

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